An Asia Must Do: Visit a Cat Cafe

Inside a cat cafe in Daegu, South Korea.Most people are excited to visit Asia to enjoy the beaches, eat insanely cheap and delicious food, or to try and “find themselves.” Me? I couldn’t wait to go to Asia so I could finally go to a cat cafe.

Anyone who knows me or follows me on social media knows that I absolutely adore cats. Before I left the States to go to South Korea for a year, I knew that my cats were the two things I would likely miss most. (Junior Mints, flavored coffee creamer, and my mom were right behind.)

Two cats cuddling.

I didn’t know how I, a cat lady, was going to survive my time away from them. I did manage to find a few ways, which you can read more . However, one of the best ways that helped me get through my cat withdrawals while living in Asia was visiting a cat cafe.

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The Things I did in Korea that I’d Never do in the States.

South Korea Skyline: Old meets modern.

I wanted to live in a foreign country for a few reasons. Firstly, to get out of the US for a bit. Secondly, to add some stamps and visas to my passport. Lastly, to experience something new. Something so entirely different than to what I was used to back home.

Korea was a perfect place for doing exactly that. After being in a different place for so long, you begin to grow accustom to their cultural habits–and may even copy them yourself. In fact, I found myself doing things in Korea that I would probably never do back home in the States. [Read more...]